2023-03-18 09:30:07
学习的压力也越来越大了翻译成英语学习的压力也越来越大了 The pressure of learning is becoming more and more big. 压力大的英文怎么说?great pressure, 但是一般要分怎么语境,比如说,我感到压力大,就应该是 I feel pressure/ great pressure 压力大用英语怎么说问题一:感觉压力大了 用英语怎么说 I feel stressed out!绝对正确的~这是我在做题的时候无意间记下来的~ 问题二:我最近工作压力很大!用英语怎么说? One: Recently, I work under pressure! Two: What are the ways to ease the pressure ? Three:It seems that everything must Enough is enough. Fuor: After work, cell phone ring tones kept the ring, I would feel very irritable Five: I hope I can have such a good boss. 问题三:工作压力大 用英语怎么说? Stressful work 问题四:“学习压力大”用英语怎么说? 学习:study 压力:press 大:big会了吗? 呵呵应该是:The study press are big 我小学学历,大神别乱叫啊 问题五:“学习压力大”用英语怎么说? The great pressure of study(学习压力大) 问题六:学习压力过大用英语怎么说? Nowadys students suffer from too much pressure of study. 问题七:压力大的英文怎么说? 源语言: 检测到中文目标语言: 英语翻译自动检测 *** 语 俄语 法语 韩语 日语 西班牙语 泰语 英语 粤语 中文 *** 语 俄语 法语 韩语 日语 西班牙语 泰语 英语 粤语 中文 请输入您要翻译的文字内容或网页地址 压力大 压力大 High pressure 现在的年轻人压力都很大.翻译At present the young people are under a lot of pressure. 或者译为 The young people nowadays are under great pressure. The young people are now undertaking a lot of pressure. 同一句子的翻译可以有很多种. |