
首页 > 娱乐 > 明星>放慢生活节奏用英语怎么说(放慢生活节奏用英语怎么说写)



There is no doubt that we prefer to live in the city.但毫无疑问,我们喜欢住在城里。 The reason is that we enjoy our life to the fullest.原因是,我们享受生活的最充分的。 What kind of city life do we need?什么样的城市生活,我们需要什么? We aspire for a better life in a better city.我们渴望在一个更好的城市更好的生活。

The better city life means living in the harmonious society with congenial atmosphere and unique cultural flavors; the better city life means sitting in a bar listening to the beautiful music and communicating with family members and friends over a cup of gourmet coffee giving out a fascinating and pleasing fragrance after a day of hard work.较好的城市生活是指在融洽的气氛和独特的文化特色的和谐的社会生活,更好的城市生活的手段在酒吧坐聆听美丽的音乐,与家人和朋友交流过的美食派一个欢乐杯咖啡令人高兴经过一天的辛勤工作香味。 It can also be walking in a quiet park, or appreciating a fantastic view with neon lights lighting up the night of the city.它也可以在一个安静的公园散步,或欣赏与霓虹灯照亮了城市的夜间灯光美景。

How shall we savor the better city life?我们应如何更好地品尝了城市生活?

We need to slow down the pace of life.我们需要放慢生活的节奏。

It is true that we often forget our true selves in the busy pursuit of living; it is a pity that we do not know who we are anymore.的确,我们常常忘记在我们的生活忙碌的追求真实的自我,这是很可惜,我们不知道我们是谁了。 We are just like a bird which forgets its own danger of being a prey of another in pursuit of a mantis.我们只是像鸟忘记它被另一螳螂在一个危险的追求自己的猎物。 We just lose ourselves.我们刚刚失去自己。 There are some people who we think are happy, who appear to be themselves, but they are actually not the way it seems.有些人谁,我们觉得很高兴,谁似乎是自己,但它们实际上是不是这样看来。 There are some people who we think are miserable, and it seems to us that they are not themselves, in fact, they are.有些人谁,我们觉得很可怜,它似乎告诉我们,他们其实不是自己的,他们是。

A true self can not be seen by others, a true self lies in his mind.一个真正的自我无法看到其他人,在他心目中真正的自我的谎言。 A person, who has his confidence, who has an earned pride and a genuine esteem, will be happy, and will be himself.一个人,谁拥有他的信任,谁赢得了一个真正的自尊和自豪,将快乐,将自己。 Only when he is happy, can he do his best to achieve his values, to achieve his true self, and at last can he be a successful man.只有当他是幸福的,可他尽最大努力实现他的价值观,以实现他的真实自我,他终于可以成为一个成功的男人。 To live a simple life filled with confidence is the secret to be one true self.过简单的生活是充满自信的秘密是一个真实的自我。

The better city life belongs to a person who has a true self; the better city life belongs to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values, and finds his joy in nothing but in his rational actions.较好的城市一个人的生命属于谁拥有真正的自我,更好的城市生活属于理性的人,谁的人的愿望只不过是合理的目标,没有什么目的,但却是理性的价值观,以及他在没有任何喜悦,但在他的理性的行为认定。 What I care about is how to find a true self, how to make this true self better, and how to finally mold it perfect.我关心的是如何找到一个真实的自我,如何更好地使这个真实的自我,以及如何最终塑造完美。 What I care about is how this true self lives the better city life.我关心的是如何更好的城市生活中真实的自我生命。

This is our goal, our direction, our mission: better city, better life, for a better self!这是我们的目标,我们的方向,我们的使命是:更好的城市,更好的生活更美好的自我!



慢生活。正确是: slow life。


Life as ever-renewing mineral, and minerals as slow life.



Slow Food Slow Life 慢餐文化和慢生活方式

no work slow life 没有工作缓慢生活;没有工作慢生活

City Slow Life 城市慢生活

Learning the slow life 学习慢生活



2、for life的意思是“一辈子,一生”,当所指的人为复数时,也可以用复数形式for lives。

3、for one's life的意思是“拼命地”;for the life of one的意思是“无论如何”,只能用于否定结构。


问题一:用英语描述慢节奏生活的缺点 pare like the slow rhythm the life,I thought that the slow rhythm life is one kind of life manner,one kind of healthy point of view,one kind of positive struggle,is highly self-confident thinks actually to the life wants to go.The slow life,is not the support is lazy,slows the tempo delays the time.Only then alternates work with rest,could find balanced in the ever changing social life.The slow rhythm's life is very good.As soon as es to be possible to be at oneself the striking condition,two e to be possible to let the blood be at saturated and the *** ooth condition,three e also to be possible to enjoy the life fully.The rhythm of life has been too quick,sometimes will press the human not to gasp for breath,but I hoped that more people will get down slowly as far as possible the rhythm,how colorful under will enjoy our life is,will get down slowly the life,I believed that you will think will be more substantial.

问题二:越来越多的人们喜欢过一种慢节奏的生活用英语怎么说 越来越多的人们喜欢过一种慢节奏的生活

More and more people like to live a slower pace


问题三:有哪些好听的,节奏缓慢的英文歌曲? 好听的欧美歌曲推荐《Scarborough Fair》《Angel》《You Raise Me Up》《My Heart Will Go On》《Hero》《Let It Be》《Sailing》《The Show》《There You’ll Be》《It Is You (I Have Loved)》《My Love》《See You Again》《Apologize》《Baby》《Poker Face》。。。这些都不错,如果满意,望采纳!谢谢。

问题四:人们应该放慢生活的节奏,英语怎么说 你好!


People should slow down the pace of life

问题五:电影节奏慢,对白慢,怎么用英文地道地表达? ..主要是不知道节奏慢及对白慢的原因, LZ应该不是想要

The movie has a slow rhythm, and slow conversations之类的小学回答吧?


The movie is at a sluggish pace, and its lines are long and tardy.



The film's slothful progress and verbose lines,




The script is tedious and the actor's performance is dull and boring.


P.S. Lines对白,戏剧专用词

问题六:用英语回答我的问题,不要翻译!最好说的是快节奏的生活和慢节奏的生活有关的 we don't have much time slow down to enjoy the beautiful and peaceful nature. We are not free enough to do whatever we want like travelling around, going piic, getting together with our families. Because of the fast speed of modern life, we do not dare to slow down a little bit to think what we really want or wether we are doing the things we like. Even worse, we might forget who we really are.

just for your reference.............

问题七:有没有什么旋律好听的英语歌,比较慢节奏的 席琳迪翁:My heart will go on

恩雅:May it be(魔戒)

玛利亚.凯利 : without you I stay in love

萨拉.布莱曼 :斯卡布罗集市 Angel Time to say goodbye

泰勒.斯威夫特:Love story (慢版)MV和演唱会很好看,我也是在微博或者电脑上看的。

There you will be(电影珍珠港)

Por Una Cabeza (探戈舞曲,中文名:一步之差,或“只差一步”)

Perfect Day(美版律政俏佳人电影原声带)

Moon dance (秋日迷情原声带)



问题一:慢生活 用英语怎么说,出自何处?谢谢 慢生活:


在1986年开始,意大利人Carlo Petrini推动“慢食运动”(Slow Food Movement),现今已成为二十一世纪世界关注的话题。“慢食”风潮从欧洲开始席卷全球,让我们不断思考自己的生活。并由此发展出一些列的“慢”生活方式,以提醒生活在高速发展时代的人们,请慢下来关注心灵、环境、传统。快餐式的生活是粗糙的、缺乏关怀的。于是,一群关注“如何生活是好”的先锋绩在各个领域和层次,以各种创新的方式,体现“慢”的态度――

慢设计(SLOW Design):慢设计涉及的,不只是耐力或速度,而是深思和熟虑,还有温柔而充满爱意的关照。现在,以北欧的产品设计、欧洲或美国一些极具人文关怀的杂志为主要体现。

慢食(SLOW Food):其实“慢食”不只说要慢慢品尝,更是一种懂得珍惜和欣赏的生活态度。“我们吃的东西,应该是以更缓和的步调去培植、去烹煮和食用。Petrini表示,慢吞吞并非慢食的目标,慢的真义是指你必须能掌握自己的生活节奏,掌握自己的品味,世界才会更加丰富。”

慢写(SLOW Up):在资讯爆炸的时代,每天塞得满满的头条和大标题,人们注重时效、哗然、轰动、猛料、私隐。“慢写”的态度,不只是要慢慢写、经过思考地写,而是要懂得欣赏和理解,寻回失落的人文精神,好好读一本书,写一段感受;研究传统的文化,不让它们成废墟;学习如何言之有物,文字是有灵魂的。经常阅读和制造快餐化文字,只会让创造力越来越丧失。

慢爱(SLOW Love):速食般的恋情、 *** ,为了排遣寂寞的恋爱,是否来得太快、太无原则?朴实纯真的爱情,是需要你自己先慢下来,懂得欣赏和赞美身边的事物。否则,寂寞是永恒的。


问题二:“慢生活”用英语怎么说 慢生活

Slow Life




问题三:有关慢生活的英文名言 All work and no play,make Jack a dull boy.(只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻)

问题四:享受都市慢生活英文缩写 享受都市慢生活

Enjoy the slow rhythm life.

问题五:文艺的用英语怎么说 形容人:artistic



Slowing down is good for the health

and longevity of the elderly.

放慢slow; delay


有益于be good for; the better for





1. hurry up!

2. be quick!

希场能帮助到你! :)

尽可能快地 用英文怎么说

as soon as possible




so quickly



城市的发展很快 用英文怎么说。

Development of the city quickly

开的太快 用英语怎么说



you drive/drove too fast


可以为driving too fast


Driving too fast is very dangerous


为To drive too fast is very dangerous

或者It's very dangerous to drive too fast

在这个生活节奏如此快的时代 英文怎么说 感觉怎么翻译都很中式。。。



翻译:In this life rhythm so fast epoch

或者:The Rhythm Of Life so fast epoch


现代生活节奏The modern pace of life

美好的生活节奏Sumptuous Proportion

打乱生活节奏disrupt its rhythm

现生活节奏The modern pace of life


随着生活节奏加快as living tempo quickens

保持良好的生活节奏keep good hours

你的生活节奏太快You're living much too fast

生活的节奏Tempo of life;pace of life

时代广场Times Square;Berjaya Times Square;TIMES PLAZA;Times Sq

时代杂志Time magazine;TIME;Die Zeit;Epoca

青铜时代Bronze Age;Early Bronze Age;The Age of Bronze;ge D'Airain

新石器时代neolithic;the Neolithic Age;New Stone Age;Neolithic Period

启蒙时代Age of Enlightenment;Enlightenment;Aufklaerung;Illuminist

时代周刊TIME;Time Magazine;The Times;Die Zeit

旧石器时代paleolithic;Paleolithic period;Middle Paleolothic;Old stone age

冰河时代Ice Age;Stronger;dj-andy rmix;Keage

恋爱时代Alone in Love;Dawson's Creek;ln Love Alone;Songs From Dawson's Creek




改革开放以来,中国已经快速地发展 用英语怎么翻译


    本文来源: http://m.fzbm.com/yule/81266.html
    上一篇: 苏州医生工资一般多少(苏州医生工资一般多少钱一个月)
    下一篇: 固安有线电视客服电话号码(固安县有线电视客服电话号码)
